Countdown to our home opener :


Old Glory DC Global Membership

Old Glory DC has continued to prove that fans are falling in love with rugby because of the duality it offers. For some, the intensity, physicality, and speed of the game get them hooked. For others, it’s the communal celebration after every match where players and fans from both teams come together to mingle over food or drinks. And for others, it’s the ability to be coached by a professional rugby player in the afternoon and then later that same day cheer on their mentor taking the pitch themselves.

Sadly, not everyone who’s in the OG family can join us in person.  No matter where you are and how you root for Old Glory, you too can join us in supporting the team!

We created the Old Glory Global Membership with our international fans and family in mind. Now, anyone can get a front-row seat to Old Glory DC anywhere in the world. The Old Glory Global Membership gives fans inside access from the comfort of home.

There are two ways to be an Old Glory Global Member!

Pay monthly at $20/month. Your membership fees will be automatically deducted once a month!

Pay a one-time fee of $200. Your one-time membership fee will sign you up for the entire year!

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