Old Glory DC is Honored to Partner With Veterans Moving Forward
Chris McCay
April 23, 2021

Old Glory DC is Honored to Partner With Veterans Moving Forward
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — (Washington, DC – 2021) Old Glory DC is honored to partner with Veterans Moving Forward, a Dulles-based nonprofit that provides service dogs and canine therapy services to veterans with physical and/or mental health challenges at no cost to the veteran. As a part of this partnership, Old Glory DC will welcome VMF Veterans and Service Dogs to Old Glory DC home matches at Segra Field during the 2021 MLR season. The team will work with Veterans Moving Forward to further their mission of serving all veterans from all branches of service, combat, and noncombat injuries, regardless of periods of service.
Old Glory DC’s partnership with Veterans Moving Forward is an example of the team’s mission to provide ongoing support and thanks for America’s service members, veterans, and the countless men and women who work every day to support our nation.
“Of the many ways we can work to support the veterans of America’s armed services, Veterans Moving Forward offers opportunities we can get behind with all our being,” said Old Glory Chairman Chris Dunlavey. “Enhancing the mental and physical well being, safety and independence of those who have given so much to our country, all through the special relationship and support offered by service dogs, moves our hearts and minds and expresses our thanks to these heroes where words can never suffice.”
“We at Veterans Moving Forward are extremely excited to be partnering with the Washington, DC Rugby Team, Old Glory DC. We greatly appreciate their enthusiastic support of our nation’s veterans who are helped via our service dog programs. We look forward to a long-standing and mutually beneficial relationship with the Old Glory Team.”
About Veterans Moving Forward:
Veterans Moving Forward, Inc., is a 501c3 nonprofit whose HQ and Training Center is located in Dulles, VA. Our not-for-profit provides service and emotional support dogs to veterans dealing with physical and/or mental health challenges at no cost to the veteran or their family. VMF differs from similar service organizations that only focus on veterans with PTSD or those of certain wars. We serve all veterans from all branches of service, combat, and noncombat injuries, regardless of periods of service. If a veteran is wounded, lost a leg due to diabetes, dealing with PTSD, or any other mental or physical challenge, we will engage with them and their medical providers to see if one of our dogs can help the veteran to be able to “Move Forward” with their lives. VMF makes a meaningful difference in the lives of our veterans by increasing their safety and independence within their environment. Our Service and Emotional Support Dog Programs are even more important today than ever before as we continue to house, feed, train, and place our wonderful Service Dogs in Training (SDiT) with veterans dealing with physical and/or mental challenges. For more, www.vetsfwd.org
About Old Glory DC
Old Glory is the first and only professional rugby team in the nation’s capital, Washington, DC. Established in 2018, Old Glory DC competes in Major League Rugby (MLR), a North American league that includes teams in New York, Boston, Atlanta, Toronto, Houston, New Orleans, Salt Lake City, San Diego, Austin, Seattle and Los Angeles. The team was founded by life-long DC area residents, business leaders, and rugby players Chris Dunlavey and Paul Sheehy. In 2019, the Scottish Rugby Union joined the partnership, committing both financial investment and operational support to the organization. The 2021 Major League Rugby season kicks off on March 20th, 2021. For more, visit www.oldglorydc.com.
- Category: 2021 Season, Partners