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Old Glory DC is proud to welcome Capital Rugby Union player and Utility Back Mitchel MacCartney to the 2020 squad

Hailing from a family with Marine Corp ties, Mitchel MacCartney was born in Cuba and raised in Chesapeake, Virginia. He went to Bishop Sullivan Catholic High School where he dabbled in multiple sports, including football and track. It was at the University of South Carolina where MacCartney took up rugby. The former high school football player walked onto the rugby team in South Carolina and immediately found his sport. In addition to USC, MacCartney attended and competed for the rugby team at Wheeling Jesuit University. He has also participated in club competition with Vegas Selects, where he earned Man of the Match honors in a meeting with the Cayman Islands National Team.

In 2018, MacCartney traveled to Seville, Spain and joined the professional Spanish team Cajasol Ciencias, which plays in Liga Heineken, the top competition of rugby played in Spain. While in Spain, MacCartney had the opportunity to learn from and play with former Top 14 players, including Spanish, Argentinian, and Italian national players.

On joining the Old Glory, Mitchel MacCartney said, “I am extremely excited about returning close to home and playing in front of family, friends, and all of the amazing supporters.  Old Glory is an incredible opportunity to bring premier level rugby to this area.”

 “Washington, D.C. and the surrounding areas have a huge rugby culture with outstanding clubs, and it means a lot to the community for this to develop,” MacCartney adds. The back has ties to Capital Rugby Union club Norfolk Blues.

MacCartney continues, “I am excited to be a part of such an outstanding organization. Coach Andrew is an awesome coach, and alongside our excellent coaching staff is the experienced Director of Operations John Manson. It will be a great season.”

Aside from rugby, MacCartney holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Global Supply Chain and Operations Management and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Economics.

Fans will be able to see Mitchel MacCartney take the field during the 2020 home opener on February 16th. Season ticket sales are now out! Make sure you get the best spot in the stands this season. Secure your season tickets here.

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